Risk management, Public health matters, risk communication and perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs2030)

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Strengthening Health System Governance for Improved Quality of Maternal Health Care in Nigeria

Gaps in availability and quality of maternal health care services constitute a major obstacle to achieving the desired maternal health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries such as Nigeria. Initiatives aimed at improving quality of maternal health care tend to address quality of care issues in isolation, without considering wider system-level issues that lead to nonexistent or impaired quality of services. The governance of health service delivery – including health care financing, knowledge and information, human resources and commodities and equipment – largely determine the availability and quality of care.
Image: cihpng.org
Using an adapted version of the World Health Organization governance actions, the Partnership for Transforming the Health System II (PATHS2) Project led by Abt Associates and implemented between 2008 and 2015 illustrates the role of governance in improving the quality of maternal care by increasing access to skilled birth attendants who can provide active management of the third stage of labor (AMSTL).

One of the first steps towards improving quality of maternal health care is to define quality improvement objectives, set standards and establish clear guidelines, treatment protocols and indicators. Clear policy direction defines quality and sets the stage for effective implementation of a quality improvement plan. Policy directions for other aspects of the health system also play an important role in improving quality of maternal health care. For instance, clear human resources for health (HRH) policies that place a premium on improved density, equitable distribution and performance in terms of reduced absenteeism, competence, productivity and responsiveness are critical. The PATHS2 Project in Nigeria supported select states to develop and implement HRH policies and strategies, recruiting additional staff and redistributing staff where necessary. In addition, skilled health workers were trained in the AMSTL. The availability of skilled health workers as a result of this policy change contributed to a greater than 60% reduction in cases of postpartum hemorrhage referred from primary health care centers (PHCs) in these states.

Institutional capacity strengthening
As part of maternal health care quality improvement, stakeholders should clearly articulate the roles of different institutions and address institutional weaknesses that hinder effective design and implementation of a quality improvement initiative. Health systems need well-functioning institutions to enact reforms related to HRH, health financing and commodity management that improve maternal health care quality. In Nigeria, Kaduna State created a HRH unit within the State Ministry of Health and introduced a Supplementary Midwife Service Scheme to recruit, train and deploy midwives to PHCs. Due to the increase in personnel, these PHCs experienced a subsequent surge in facility births and delivery of other maternal health services.

Read more here
News credit: Maternal Health Task Force


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